The Art
The Artists
What's New?
We often think that we can avoid our fears by being in control - by becoming perfect.
We attempt to control situations, people, and ourselves in this quest for perfection because we believe that will keep the fear at bay. The truth, as it often is, is counterintuitive.
By looking the fear in the eye, by demanding it show you reality, you are taking control because you are gaining the knowledge you need to actually see what is.
"I've been selling art for over 13 years and have collectors the reach across all 50 states. Here are just some of the feedback I've recieved from my happy collectors." -Alejandro
Chandra E.
“I am the lucky owner of both an original and a print from Alejandro. Alejandro truly is a gem, and I hope to continue to add to my collection in the future!”
Bas Rutten (UFC Hall of Famer)
"Thank you very much. They look freaking awesome! Really cool, it's huge! Haha, thank you so much!"
- Godspeed, Bas
This useful guide will help you feel confident with the buying process and help you acquire the artwork you will love.
First time buying art?
For most people, buying art or commissioning an artist is a new experience. We've taken the guesswork and confusion out.